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Bells Theorem

  • Metadata
  • Proved "spooky action at a distance" is real
  • Locality is a physics principle that says

    An event in one part of the world cannot instantly affect what happens far away #til2021

    • It is a bedrock assumption about physics
  • In 1935, Albert Einstein and two colleagues showed that quantum mechanics allows for entanglement
    • "spooky action at a distance"
  • In 1964, John Stewart Bell demoted locality by proving quantum mechanics can prove outcomes of certain far-apart measurement than any local theory could
  • How Bell's theorem showed entanglement is real
    • When two particles are entangled, measuring the properties of one particle affects the property of the other particle regardless of distance
    • Consider the property spin, which can be "up" or "down"
    • Bell's theorem said that the upper bound on the correlations allowed by local hidden variable theories is 67%
      • So if the experiment can break this inequality then something more than locality is the feature of these particles